Tuesday, February 22, 2011

put on your wind pants. . .

. . . it's time to train agility.

sparrow agility 2.19.11 and 2.20.11 from prudence rabbit on Vimeo.

Or wear your Whole Foods skully and your thrift store jeans. You decide what goes better with The National and running contacts.

Agility, in the backyard--what a novelty! The squirrels thought so, too. At least they weren't throwing empty peanut shells on us. Dear neighbors, please stop feeding the squirrels peanuts in the shell. Empty peanut shells do not agree with my dogs' delicate constitutions.

Another highlight of the week: giant ice storm. Yeah! Fortunately, the agility gods were smiling upon us because the 25 foot limb that fell off of the oak tree missed my dogwalk by inches.

Wind pants cannot save us from flying topiary.

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