Thursday, September 15, 2011

in which stanley learns agility

Stanley thinks agility is awesome, especially when it involves his new favorite toy, the indestructo krypto ball. It evades even the StanleyJawsOfDeath with nary a scratch.

Stanley is some kind of agility genius. Seriously. Check it out:

Who needs foundation training? Stanley wanted sequencing. And Stanley gets what Stanley wants. Well, actually, Stanley works for what Stanley wants because otherwise, Stanley would rule the world. And that is fine with him. The boy loves to work.

The other workaholic dog in the house hasn't been slacking either. This is just to prove that she actually knows how to stop on the dogwalk. Ahem.

sparrow 9.13.11 from prudence rabbit on Vimeo.

In other news, the mature dogs are enjoying running around like feral things, pretending they are fierce hunters of wild beasts (aka squirrels). The wild beasts (aka squirrels) always escape.

Alex and Sylvia at dusk.
dogs frolicking at dusk

Sir Alex of the Cute Ears

still foxy

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