Backyard agility goes well with the Avett Brothers.
Here I am working on tunnel/dogwalk discriminations, not crowding my dog into knocking a bar, not rushing my dog into knocking a bar, improving my superhero agility reflexes to send Ms. Hair-Trigger Motion Sensitive to the right place, and a fun little threadly thing (if you watch the video almost to the very end--not that you need more incentive than listening to the delightful music of the aforementioned Avett Brothers).
Video also includes some of the tugfest raver that is playing agility with Sparrow. The girl likes to tug. The girl also likes to give herself a runner's high obsessively running loops around the yard. Forever and ever. And ever. We like to prevent the running thing, hence the tugfest raver.
Uh oh. Reuben just woke up from a deep sleep, air scenting the beef that Dave is boiling for Spencer, who currently has a whoopsie belly. The nose knows. One can never, ever fool the nose. Ever.
This is Spencer:
He is nearly eight and a half. I adopted him from ARPH (Aussie rescue) nearly eight years ago. His main jobs are being handsome, keeping Dave company while he works, and keeping us safe from the UPS truck. He knows the UPS truck specifically by sound, and barks even when it just drives past the house. So useful, that Spencer is. He will come in handy when the alien invasion takes over the worldwide fleet of UPS trucks.
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