Recently, he has been trialing very well, but he only trials at the place where we also train regularly.
On Saturday, we took him out of his comfort zone and did two runs at a run-through held at...a different facility!!!!! He was a bit hesitant on the first run, and became a velcro dog who missed two jumps. By the second run, he was much more confident and ran well. He was scared of the teeter, which made a noise similar of that to an M-80 going off in a sheet metal storage warehouse. However, the nice people who ran the event allowed us to go over the teeter a few times. Hopefully he will have good memories of this facility, because we are doing a trial there in the near future.
Sparrow, of course, couldn't care less about the different venue. Like usual, she was all in, all the time. Except for when Katie back crossed the A-frame. I guess we know what they will be practicing in the backyard this week.
In other news, the trees and bushes are finally starting to fill out, which means the yard will soon be completely private, and the neighbors will not have to be constantly reminded about the weird people on the street with the full agility set in their backyard.