There's a new agility dog in town. Ms. Sparrow participated in her very first trial today, and came home with a sparkly new title!
Additionally, and possibly even more triumphantly, Reuben returned to agility trialing for the very first time since very nearly checking out of existence last November.
It was an ASCA trial. We each entered only two jumpers runs so we could leave the other dogs snug at home, and so we didn't strain anyone's delicate sensibilities with overmuch agility. Although, I do believe my delicate sensibilities were strained with the 5:30 AM alarm this morning.
Also, Sparrow thinks it was BS that she only got to do 27 total seconds of agility.
Sparrow's runs:
Reuben's runs. He was totally robbed of the one Q he needed for his Elite Jumpers title by the superfast ASCA SCT of 29 seconds. Next time, Reuben, you will be even more triumphantly triumphant.