There is a small glitch in project running contacts. Snow. Phhhphttt.
Fortunately, we have a matted space in the basement big enough to practice six weavepoles, or one teeter, or one dogwalk downramp propped up on a chair. Or two jumps and a tunnel. Kind of.
OK, it's pretty small, but it's something.
Sparrow was looking pretty good on the dogwalk before I had to take it down. Well, pretty good when her brain was not being controlled by the Pod People . . . erm, I mean, squirrels.
Did you know that squirrels go to sleep approximately 23 minutes before sundown?
Also, Sparrow's full height a-frame was looking good as well (holding breath, knocking on wood). However, she is the little eager beaver on a turn back into the tunnel under the a-frame. I will have to work on that when: a) the Pod People are sleeping and b) the forecast looks clear for a few days.
Note Dave's surprise and amazement at the supersonic leap into the tunnel.
sparrow dogwalk 11.29.10 from prudence rabbit on Vimeo.
sparrow and dave agility 11.29.10 from prudence rabbit on Vimeo.