Saturday, November 27, 2010

winter, winter, go away

Yeah, I am one of those winter hate-a's. I have no use for the cold and snow and overall grossness. We still have a few days of decentness to hope for before we're all covered in the soggy dirty freezing mess that is winter.

I did just blog about the weather. Awesome.

Besides wishing for sunny days and just being glad that my hound is alive, I've ventured into the realm of (gasp!) running contacts with the little Sparrowlicious.

We indulged ourselves by purchasing a set of rubberized contact equipment, which FedEx Freight delivered in the middle of my street. No joke. They sent one guy, who waited until we came home so Dave could "help" get the 700 pound crate out of the semi and into. . . the middle of the street. I guess that's their definition of residential delivery.

Oh well, it's all water under the bridge now. I'm just happy to have the stuff so I can work on running contacts. Until it snows. Eep.

Video of us being hardcore, training in the backyard when it's decidedly not 65 and sunny. What do you mean, my little red hoodie isn't hardcore???

sparrow agility 11.26.10 from prudence rabbit on Vimeo.